Turtle Copter
Stock No. 5626
Secret Sewer Map 3
The Gooey Green Gunship
Welcome aboard the turbulent Turtlecopter - the latest Turtle crazy aircraft to swoosh through the skies! Your co-pilot is the magnificent
Michaelangelo, flying ace of the Mutant Military! Your in-flight mission - destroy the Foot with flying finesse. You can punch out the pesky
punks with the Boxing Glove Skids. Drop Ooze Bombs on the heads of the Foot. Then swoop in and rattle the ruffians with a rat-a-tat-tat from
the Mutant Machine Gun. Finish off the Foot by shooting the Tri-Bug Blasters, then soar away at top Turtle speed with the Dual Retro-Turbo Jets!
So strap yourself in for fast flyin' action - and keep the skies friendly and free with the tactical Turtlecopter!
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