Channel 6 News Van with April
The Radical Rovvin' News-gatherin' Go-getter!
Stock No. 5346
Pack-in Figure

Stop the presses and start the passin' in this newest souped-up sewer Ninja newsvan. You'll be burning rubber and
making headlines as the Channel 6 Newsvan searches the city for Mutant scoops and Foot front page stories. And April's
there in full control of this computerized wheeled wonder. She's broadcastin' her bodacious byline live and in
kowabunga color! Two nifty interchangeable newscams provide the cool coverage from two awesome angles. For the late
breaking stories just pull back the news platform and out slides a mobile Mutant-cam Unit. The totally hi-tech
communication control cconsole makes sure our Turtlecasters are never outta touch. A sewer-satellite dish and
bodacious bullhorn adorn the reptilian roof of this rovin', news-gatherin' go-getter. The Foot can run, but they
can't hide from this truth-gatherin' Turtle transport.
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