Mini-Mutant Leonardo Sewer Playset
Asst. No. 3430
Stock No. 3431
Playset Closed

Pack-in Figures
Leonardo has flipped his lid to reveal a Mini-Mutant Turtle lair - a lair that's small on size, but big on action! We're talkin' tons o' tiny Turtle tools,
like the finger flickable sewer cover launcher, perfect for knockin' noggins and flattenin' Foot. And the punk-findin' periscope is perfect for peekin' on
pesky Foot flunkies. Since no Mini-Mutant lair would be complete without some Mini-Mutants, Leonardo and Michaelangelo have volunteered to take a step down
and muscle up to the microscope. Practicin' their Mini-Mutant moves on the kung fu practice dummy, the tiny Turtles are ready for anything - even a
Mini-Shredder! Hey, that's why they built a jail cell right there in the middle of the lair - just in case he drops by and wants to spend the night! When
it's time to get big, the small shelled superdudes just extend the telescopin' connector tube into the Mini-Mutant Raphael Castle Playset where they
can trade weapons and secret hidin' places. Now they can take on that tiny terror, the Mini-Mutant TOKKA Technodrome Playset! Remember, it's not the size
of the shell that counts - it's the Mutants inside! And the Mutants inside this lair are ready to power play!
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