Mini-Mutant Raph Feudal Castle Playset
Asst. No. 3430
Stock No. 3433
Playset Closed

Pack-in Figures
What's Medieval, Mutant and mini? Why, Mini-Mutant Raphael, of course! That's right! Those mini marvel playsets, the tiny palmtop world of the
Mini-Mutant Turtles, just got feisty 'n feudal. Raphael has popped his top to reveal a cool concrete castle right under his own shell! And, of
course, this kowabunga castle has all the cool things a castle needs - only miniaturized! For starters, there are two towerin' jail cells (count
'em if ya wanna), perfect for keepin' crusty company like Mini-Rocksteady. And check out the super slick slidin' log on a string - just pull it
up and send it down, down, down - right into - and onto - the nearest Foot! But even before those pesky Foot fiends get close, the tiny Turtle
dudes can flatten 'em with on shot from the real flingin' rock catapult - boing, whoosh, bonk! Then Mini-Raphael can load up the freewheelin'
weapons cart with a bunch of flat Foots, and push it off behind the castle. There's a perfect stowaway storage locker under the back steps.
Don't worry about that tiny terror Rocksteady, either. Once he gets his barbaric bottom on the kowabunga king throne, he's just a bell drop away
from becomin' a dented ding-a-ling king. And when the battle's done, every thing gets packed up and stored away. So join Mini-Donatello and
Mini-Raphael as they drop the drawbridge, and link up to the entire world of other Mini-Mutant Playsets, like Mini-Mutant Leonardo's Sewer
Playset and Mini-Mutant TOKKA's Technodrome Playset. Let all the Mini-Mutants go back to an historic tiny time - an age where Mini-Mutants
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